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International Journal of Economics and Law.
Pursuant to Article 14 of the Rulebook on Categorization and Ranking of Scientific Journals,
the International Journal of Economics and Law is in category M23
Mile Draganović
Saša Stepanović
Aleksandra Brakus
The original concept of the social work institution has justified its name notonly through providing direct social services to users and their families, but also throughinitiating and organizing various activities in local communities. This affirmative role ofthe centers for social work has contributed to quicker adoption of legal recommendations.Further development and organization of professional work in the centers for social workhave been crucial in the realization of the stipulated functions. Since 1981, these centershave assumed the entire mediation process between spouses, and recently they have alsoincluded working with refugees and their families. Having in mind the pronounced crisis, itis necessary to introduce new methods and processes of work for the social service to functionmore efficiently. The centers for social work are increasingly becoming key institutions thatprovide support not only in the resolution of traditional social problems, but also in facingnew challenges such as digital inequality, mental health, family violence and other formsof social crises. Such extension of activities also requires continued improvement of socialworkers’ capacities, adjustment of the work methodology and establishment of cooperationwith other relevant institutions in order to respond adequately to increasingly complex needsof the users of social work services.
The paper elaborates the fact that the centers for social work, due to technical, technological,economic, migrant and other changes, show that changes in the organization andfunctioning of their services are also justified. Apart from individual work with users andtheir families, it is also necessary to protect more individual users of social protection and todetermine common reasons, besides personal ones, which have led to the need for protectionand the application of social action at the level of local and broader communities. Moreover,it is necessary to affect the causes leading to a certain social issue and to prevent its furtherexpansion. The analysis points to the need for strengthening professional and organizationalcapacities in the centers for social work, taking into account the increasing number of usersand the scope of work. This includes a larger number of professional workers (social workers,psychologists, pedagogues), having in mind the newly-introduced authorities and increasedcomplexity of jobs. There is an evident staff turnover in the centers for social work, partlydue to the natural fluctuation caused by retirement, but also due to other reasons, whichaggravates timely action and task performance within the legally prescribed deadline.
Sladjana Kosmajac
Restructuring is a rather extensive and specific legal institute. In everydayspeech, it means to rearrange something. In the legal sense, restructuring can be understoodin many ways. In the economic sense, it is about technical-technological changes within thebusiness entity. In the second context, restructuring is any form of change within a businessentity, while in the third context, it is a status change specified by business regulations. In additionto the above, restructuring is possible in bankruptcy proceedings, i.e. before the groundsfor bankruptcy have been established, then simultaneously with the initiation of bankruptcyproceedings and later through a specified plan by which the debtor will be restructured in away that even though the grounds for bankruptcy have been met and bankruptcy is started,and the debtor will stay in economic life. The purpose of this paper is to give an explanationof and key differences between all the institutes above. In this paper, we will also make suggestionsabout the need for a clear demarcation in terms of understanding restructuring, soas not to create doubts in the legal and economic life of the Republic of Srpska.
Branka Marković
Đuro Krčić
Dragan Milošević
International financial potential through funds from international creditorsand foreign direct investments in Serbia have played an important role since the economicopening to the world after the democratic changes in 2000. A lot of hope was placed in thefunds of international financial organizations and FDI as an instrument of economic policy,as a mechanism that can accelerate economic growth and development in an environmentwith low domestic savings, lead to the replacement of outdated technology and absorb a largenumber of unemployed people who were losing jobs during the transition, i.e. privatizationof inefficient state enterprises. Since 2006, various political structures and Governments havestarted with a special subsidy program for investments, although it is a program whose effectsthe majority of the domestic professional public has a negative opinion of. This program is stillbeing carried out with undiminished energy, and politicians are regular guests at ceremoniesfor the opening of new industrial plants. Serbia and foreign capital have undoubtedly hadpositive effects on the entire economy of Serbia, including not only the revitalization of alreadyexisting former state-owned enterprises through brownfield (such as Fiat Automobili Srbijain Kragujevac) but also the construction of completely new greenfield investments (such asContinental Automotive in Novi Sad). , it seems that they did not fulfill all the hopes and expectations that were placed in them. despite a fairly high inflow of international capital,where Serbia is the regional champion measured by foreign direct investment in relation toGDP, the economic growth rate of Serbia is still quite insufficient.
Anđela Mitrović
Bozidar Forca
Safety, in a theoretical-practical sense, is understood as a state, organization,function and system. As a state, security is valued in an amplitude of values whose poles are:completely safe and completely unsafe. It is a fact that absolute security does not exist, thatis, that every security reference object is threatened to a certain degree. For a long time, theonly (key) threat to security was war. However, during the Cold War, the concept of securitywas expanded from purely military to other sectors, such as political, economic, social andenvironmental. Thus, the security of the reference object can be threatened by a whole corpusof threats, which are basically divided into military and non-military.
In the last few decades, among the numerous challenges, risks and security threats,organized crime stands out. Although acts of crime are evident, both nationally and internationally,organized crime remains undefined, which makes it particularly difficult to prove.This is also due to the fact that in the various classifications of acts that constitute organizedcrime, different activities are implied.
In this paper, the state of organized crime is analyzed through selected criminal acts – threatsto security, such as human trafficking – trafficking, narcotics trade and arms trade. The aim of theresearch is to prove that organized crime in the world has been increasing in the last few years.
The work was created as a result of research for teaching purposes, as well as the preparationof the diploma thesis of the first author of this article, which was defended at theFaculty of Business Studies and Law in Belgrade in early 2024.
Ivana Pešić
Goran Župac
The Republic of Serbia has been an autonomous and independent state since2006, created in the breakup of the former SFR Yugoslavia. In its foreign policy orientation,Serbia was originally oriented towards Euro-Atlantic integration (NATO and EU). Since2007, Serbia has proclaimed military neutrality (NON-NATO), and has maintained itsstrategic commitment to EU membership.
The European Union was formed in 1992 by 12 European countries. The EU enlargementprocess is determined by regulations, which are constantly changing. Serbia’s accessionnegotiations with the EU began on January 21, 2014, and after 10 years it is difficult todetermine whether they are closer to the end or the beginning.
By the regulations and established procedures for the admission of countries to the EU,additional conditions are constantly being imposed on Serbia, which make its path towardsthe Union uncertain. The conditions that the EU sets for Serbia are partly in contradictionwith the national interests and goals of our country.
This paper analyzes the path of the Republic of Serbia towards the European Union. Thegoal of the paper is to determine the conditions that Serbia needs to fulfill in order to completenegotiations on admission to the EU. The basic hypothesis from which the work started is asfollows: in the accession negotiations with the Republic of Serbia, the European Union setsconditions that are partly compatible, and partly contrary to the national interests of Serbia.
The work was mostly created as a result of the defended master’s thesis of the first author. The master’s thesis was defended at the Faculty of Business Studies and Law in February 2024.
Ilija Racić
Siniša Dostić
Kristijan Šebešćan
The goal of this research is to identify, scientifically describe, classify andpartially explain weaknesses in the application of analysis as an executive function of theIntelligence-led policing model in the Republic of Serbia using scientific research methods.The conducted theoretical research identified problems of a functional nature using theexecutive function of analysis, which can be classified as follows: 1) traditional (reactive)way of applying analysis about modern proactive models using modern analytical tools, 2)differences in the theoretical definition of data analysis and information, 3) the quality ofentered statistical indicators in electronic databases. The executive functions of the Intelligence-led policing model are performed through the criminal-intelligence process, which isan evidentiary tool for analyzing the actions of all forms of criminality, misdemeanours andother security-interesting incidents and enables decision-making based on the collection,processing and analysis of data, as well as the undertaking of preventive measures. A key rolein law enforcement intelligence operations is the application of the analysis function, whichleads to the improvement of quality based on the previous functions (collection and processing),which contributes to the greater use value of data in further work of criminal police.
The research was carried out as a theoretical-empirical one, where the methods of theoreticaland empirical research (attitudes and opinions of police officers in the police of theRepublic of Serbia) were used, that is: general scientific, logical and empirical methods. In thisresearch, the standpoint that the analysis function can be improved is confirmed both theoreticallyand empirically, which requires the following (functional) changes: 1) it is necessarythat the analysis be carried out using modern analytical methods, such as AnaCap, OIAT, riskand threat analysis, with focus on proactivity, which affects the efficient and effective creationof analytical products; 2) the quality of statistical data entered into electronic databases andthe amount of prepared operational reports and information predominantly influence theapplication of the analysis function and the quality production of analytical products.
The scientific justification of the research derives from its expected results, which can: 1)contribute to the deepening and expansion of scientifically verified knowledge in the field ofcriminal-police, security and organizational scientific disciplines, 2) indicate the directions, areasand topics of future scientific research and 3) enrich the methodological practice of scientificresearch on the organization and proactive functioning of the police in modern conditions.
Stevan Stojanović
Ratomir D. Antonović
The danger of nuclear attacks and warfare with the use of nuclear weaponsis increasingly present. Fears of nuclear attacks and nuclear wars have been fueled by theconflict that has been raging for a long time in the territory of Ukraine, where the use ofnuclear weapons has been speculated since the beginning of the conflict. In the paper itself,the subject of the author’s interest is the action of civil defense in case of nuclear conflictsand dangers. The essential question is whether the harmful consequences of nuclear actioncan be reduced. In order to give the most precise answer to this question, one must startfrom several important components of the attack itself, namely the question of its scope, thequestion of the aim of the attack, the question of the place where the nuclear attack tookplace, what the weather conditions are like at the time of the attack and immediately afterhim, paying special attention to the strength of the wind and the direction of its movement.In the end, the important question is whether the attacked party has time for a warning.
During preventive action, potential moments and locations of nuclear weapons attacksmust be calculated. The calculations are called scenarios and their goal is to predict thepossibility of an attack, but also the possibility of defending against an attack. Scenariosmust be created realistically, with maximum respect for all objective and subjective factors.Unfortunately, this is not the case in practice. Scenarios are almost always created on thebasis of assumptions, unnecessary drama is accentuated, political and propaganda platitudesare used, which ultimately results in the creation of unusable scenarios.
As an example of a sensationalist prediction of a possible nuclear attack, the well-knownexample of the so-called attacks on Trafalgar Square in London. If one had thought a little better, it would have been clear to everyone that Trafalgar Square could not be a realistictarget of a nuclear attack. Also, the form of manipulation of nuclear attacks is the justificationof unilateral attacks on the nuclear facilities of countries that have and are developingnuclear weapons. At the same time, the targets of the attack are not chosen based on realisticparameters, but to justify the value of the set assumption.
In order to avoid these malicious mistakes, one must start from realistic knowledge about the beliefs, intentions and military potential of a potential attacker. This knowledge must be incorporated into the assessment of attack types and attack locations.
Enio Mateo Totić
In modern society characterized by globalization processes and continuousdevelopment of technique and technology, unfortunately there is a progress of organizedcrime and commission of a variety of criminal acts. States on domestic and internationallevel strive to provide conditions for the most effective fight against crime through normativeapproach. The legal and correct way to fight perpetrators of crimes is criminal prosecution,where any form of assistance to state authorities represents a great support. Testimony is oneof the most important ways of gathering evidence in criminal proceedings. Therefore, authordeals with witness as a person who possesses certain knowledge about committed crimeand perpetrator. Author defines the term witness and indicates the importance of testimonyfor a legal court decision. Also, the paper describes examination process and highlights thenecessity of witness protection during criminal proceedings.
In this sense, the roll of the state authorities is pointed out, which have the task of providingconditions for the witness to feel comfortable during testimony, that will result in obtaininguseful information on the basis of which the criminal sanction prescribed by the law will beimposed on the accused person. Testimony is rightfully considered one of the most importantmeans of gathering evidence and its application goes back to the distant past. During thecriminal proceedings witness has the obligation to tell nothing but the truth, which will ensureconditions for the court to make a legal verdict. Therefore, it is not surprising that in XXIcentury there is a whole series of rights and obligations that regulate the position of witness, aswell as other subjects that are part of the criminal proceedings. By providing guarantees to thewitness that he/she will feel safe during the testimony the state simultaneously sends messagethat it has necessary capacity to provide protection to persons who decide to give assistanceto competent institutions in the fight against organized crime and all other illegal acts.
Milan Vemić
Predrag Dedeić
In this paper we propose an integrated model leading to the causal interpretationof sustainable development. By applying financial management, environmentaland corporate social responsibility (CSR) principles both private and public sectors mustadequately respond to sustainable development challenges in three causality areas: profit,people and the planet. This is of particular significance during increased environmental riskin sectors such as agriculture. Global society has high expectations from companies whichbecame an increasingly powerful factor influencing the quality of people’s lives. The evolutionfrom “shareholders” to “stakeholders” capitalism with pronounced climate changes contributesto this paradigm. Therefore, the modern knowledge economy requires economic, financial,environmental and social sustainability from companies. A company must be aware of theenvironmental and stakeholder impact of its activities. Good corporate governance shouldalso incorporate a clear strategy with a financially sustainable approach to different resources,acknowledging the need for recycling, waste management, pollution reduction, anti-corruptionand employee protection. This directly impacts financial performance, reduces risks ofhidden costs from loss of reputation, environmental and labor disputes and negative mediacampaign. Disputes cause a negative societal reaction; threaten people’s health and the ecosystemwith great material damage. The potential for effective conflict management is evidentand requires a change of consciousness, adequate management expertise and strong politicalsupport. Effective management mechanisms are modeled by the authors in a three-pronged integrated approach towards sustainable business development incorporating three decisiontrees of environmental and social problems, corporate solutions, and financial solutions.
Jovo Vučković
On the subject of “intelligence services…”, quite a few authors begin theirscientific works with quotes about the ancient existence of these services and cite the legendof “Moses and his instructions to his emissaries to go to the land of Canaan and investigatethe way of life there.” Some authors state that the intelligence “services” date even earlierand provide information about “a spy named Banum from the state of Mavi on the EuphratesRiver”. As part of the security system, the security community, all countries, eventhe smallest or less stable ones, have their own intelligence service. Lege artis, every statecreates an intelligence community, which consists of several related services (in recent timesof the agency type), whose goal is to ensure the security postulates needed by the state inpreserving its statehood and taking positions in the current conduct of state policy (internaland external). In the available literature, with the aim of processing the topic, approach andthinking about the definition of the intelligence service, there is an explanation from beforethat it is an “organization of a class character”, that it uses a specific methodology in its work,has its own principles of work, and was formed as an organization which is authorized to,among other things, protect the security of the state whose system it is a part of. In principle,all intelligence services work according to two basic principles: territorial and linear, whichare then further divided into constituent parts (organizational units). From the creation ofthe state as a community until today, the “services” have continuously evolved in all matters(capacity of employees, directions of action, work methods, etc.). From a historical point ofview, in addition to important state tasks based on the Law and by-laws of the given state,certain deviations, omissions, and deliberate violations of business discipline were also recorded,which negatively affected the rating of the entire intelligence community, includingthe state in whose system it functioned. Open interferences in the internal politics of other,usually small states, have also been recorded. Today, all over the planet, according to the available information and sometimes really justifiably, with a cursory insight into the actualsituation, we witness the existence of modern intelligence agencies with enviable businessresults, and with the aim of comprehensively informing users apostrophized by the Law andby-laws in the given country.